Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it. We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself.
Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now. Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. If you can dream it, you can do it. Do it now, not tomorrow. Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it. We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself
If you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it
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